Sales Records Overview (Quotes, Bookings, Invoices and more)


This article provides an overview of the tools and features on the Sales Record screen in HirePOS, the application's core data entry interface. Also known as the invoice or booking screen, the Sales Record screen is essential, as data entered here impacts the entire HirePOS application.

Key Concepts and Fields

Sales Record Mode

The Sales record screen can be in one of many potential "Modes". These include:

Read more about the specifics of each mode here:

A record can move between modes and will retain the same record number when it does.

For example, Quote #101 may be created and sent to a customer. When it is accepted, it will become Reservation #101. When confirmed, you might convert it to a booking (#101). In the end, the record will become Invoice #101.

Record Number (Invoice Number, Booking Number, Quote Number)

In HirePOS, invoice numbers must be numeric; letters or special characters are not allowed. The term 'invoice number' is interchangeable with 'Quote Number' or 'Booking Number' and remains consistent as the record transitions through modes.

When creating a new invoice, the number will automatically be one higher than the current highest in the system. For instance, if Invoice #2050 is the highest, the next record will be #2051.

To start numbering at 5001, create a 'dummy' quote or invoice with the number 5000 and cancel it, or manually set the first real record to 5001.

You can also lock the invoice number field to prevent accidental changes that could disrupt the sequence. Learn more about Invoice Numbers here:

Record Date (Invoice Date, Booking Date, Quote Date)

Similar to the record number, all Sales Records have a record date. The name of this date will change depending on the mode the record is in (Quote Date, Booking Date, Invoice Date).

This is the date that sales and revenue are recorded from an accounting perspective. Unless otherwise specified, this is the date that all "sales" reports will be filtered/sorted by. If there are sales items on the invoice, this is the date that their stock levels are affected.

By default, this date is set as the initial creation date of the sale record. However, this behaviour of this date can be changed, allowing it to update itself to a different date in particular scenarios. The behaviour of this date can be set via Setup > Preferences > Hire & Invoice Date Defaults.

Delivery/Pickup Details

This is where you set the delivery address for the Hire. You can freely enter a delivery address, use address search, select the address of any other customer in the system, select from any pre-defined global or customer-specific locations you have created or use the billing customer's address by clicking the link at the top of the popup.

If you select another customer in the system via the Customer/Name dropdown, it will link that customer to the Sales Record as the secondary customer. You can then locate this Sale via either customer. Read more here:

There is an additional section for "Pickup (If Different)." By default, the pickup address is assumed to be the same as the delivery address. If the pickup at the end of the hire will be from a place different from the initial delivery, enter the different pickup address here.

You can define a Zone for delivery and pickup in here, which can help you when planning your delivery/pickup runs, and also help automate delivery charge pricing

Customer PO and Reference

The Customer PO (Purchase Order) field allows you to enter the number provided by your customer, which will appear on their invoice. It is also displayed in various list screens in HirePOS, including Find Sales and Customer Overview.

The Reference field allows you to name or provide details about the job. It is visible in Find Sales, Customer Overview, and the Reminder Screen. By default, the Reference Field is for internal use, but some customers may request modifications to include it on customer-facing paperwork.

Booked and Hired Dates

It is essential to understand the distinction between the different date fields:

  • Booked From/To Dates: These dates serve as estimates for when you anticipate the items to be dispatched and returned.

  • Hired From/To Dates: In contrast, the Hired From/To dates represent the actual dates when the items were dispatched and returned.

Once the Hired From/To dates are entered, they take precedence over the Booked From/To dates in terms of automatic calculations, reminders and availability within the system.

Read more about Booked and Hired Dates Here:

Staff Member

There are 2 staff member fields available on the Sales Record screen:

  • Staff: This represents either the staff member who compiled the record initially or the person responsible for the job

  • Return Staff: This represents the staff member who processed the job return or who is responsible for finalising the record.

Staff members can be required or optional, default to the logged-in user (or not), and be manually selectable or not. This all depends on your system settings in Setup > Preferences.

Read more about Staff here:


Autocalc is a feature that will consider the booked and hired dates on the invoice and the items, the selling units in sure for the items, stand-downs, off hires and more, and re-calculate the line totals for the invoice.

Autocalc can be invoked manually by clicking the autocalc link just about the subtotal amount toward the bottom of the screen. Optionally, Autocalc will automatically pop up whenever a booked or hire date is changed, as this is likely to have an impact on the billable amounts. Learn more about autocalc here:

Invoice Items

Line Item Rows

  • Code

  • Description

    • When you add an item to the Sales Record, its Description will populate the description field. You can edit this description without affecting the actual Item's Description in HirePOS, allowing for unique descriptions on a record-by-record basis.

    • If you add a description to a line without an item selected from the Code dropdown, the row will become a heading row, allowing you to place a heading above other items. Use this feature cautiously if exporting to accounting packages like Xero or MYOB, as it may not be compatible.

  • Unit

    • If units are set up for the selected item, the most suitable one will be automatically chosen when adding it to the Sales Record. If no units are added or you wish to use a different unit, you can manually change it at any time, which may affect the price and quantity of the line.

    • Units are essential for autocals and the hire-related concept of price-over-time.
      For more information on selling units, see
      For more information on Autocalc, see here:

  • Qty/Units

    • This column signifies the number of the currently selected selling units for a specific item. These units can be time-based, such as Days, Weeks, Months, etc. If the selected unit is non time-based, it represents the count of individual items as well.

  • Qty/Items

    • The Qty/Items column will only appear if you have added a Bulk Item to the Sales Record (which is an item with a quantity for hire of more than 1) and you have selected a "time-based" selling unit. In this scenario, the Qty/Units refers to the number of time-based selling units (like Days, Weeks etc.) and the Qty/Items column refers to the total number of items being hired.

  • Each

    • This is the per-item, per-unit price to the customer for the line/item. If you were hiring 5 chairs for 3 days at $1 each, you would end up with a line total of $15.

    • The title of this column indicates if the invoice is currently being displayed, including or excluding GST. It will read Each(ex) in the case of prices before GST.

  • Discount

    • Below the last item on the invoice and above the subtotal is a link titled 'Show Discount'. Clicking it will reveal a discount column for your items (if it is not already visible). You can enter percentage discounts here, which will affect the line total.

      You can apply discounts to multiple lines by clicking the blue 'Disc' column header. This opens a popup where you can enter a percentage and select multiple items for bulk application. The popup also allows you to override the Qty/Units for several items simultaneously.

      The discount column will always show itself if there are any items on the invoice that do have a discount applied.
      Learn more about discounts in HirePOS, including customer-specific discounts here:

  • Total

    • This is the total value of the line, factoring in the quantity of items, units, price per item/unit, and any discounts. The sum of all line totals constitutes the total of your sales record (or subtotal if viewing excluding GST).

  • Tax

    • This column shows the tax code for the line, which includes the tax rate used to calculate the tax amount. This is usually set when the item is added to the sales record but can be manually changed if necessary. Learn more about Tax Codes here:

  • Delete Line.

Line Context Menu

The line context menu is accessed by clicking the grey rectangle to the left of the item code column. If the line is empty, it will show 4 dots; otherwise, it will display a letter indicating the item type (H for hire, S for sales, N for non-stock). A triangular alert icon will appear here if there is a double booking warning for the row.

This menu contains options related to the selected line or item. Not all menu options will be visible at all times; only those relevant to the selected row will be available.

The possible options in the line context menu are:

  • Add From Cart

  • Availability (Drill Down)

    • This shows a popup containing a plot of the item(s) current bookings over the period following the start of the sales record in question. This option is only present when a Hire Item is selected in the row. Read more about availability:

  • Item History

    • Displays a popup with the item's recent activity, including invoices, orders, maintenance, and inspections.

  • Item Details

    • Opens a popup with detailed information about the item, including rates, category, photos, and additional properties, notes, and comments.

  • Item Message

    • Add an item message to the current row. Item messages are multi-line notes displayed on customer-facing paperwork, useful for elaborating on descriptions or providing usage instructions and conditions.. Read more about Item Messages here:

  • Insert New Line

    • Add a new blank row directly above the selected row

  • Remove Line

  • Remove Package

    • Only appears as an option when the row selected is part of a package. This option will remove all rows that were added to the invoice as a part of that same package.

Show Line Details (Item Specific Dates)

In addition to the Booked and Hires Dated on the main Sales Record, there are individual booked and hired dates that can be set for each item on the record. If no dates have been entered for a particular item, it will use the dates set at the sales record level. However, an item can have a dedicated date(s) set, and it will use these dates instead of the dates set for the rest of the sales record. These item-level dates are used for autocalc (billing), availability, delivery schedule, and reminders when set.

Read more about Item Specific dates here:

Meter Readings

This option, located above the line items next to "Show Line Details" and "Item Actions" directs you to a screen for managing the start, end, and overall meter usage for the item. This screen uses the selling unit setup to calculate meter usage charges.

Item Actions Menu

The Item Actions menu is located just above the line items and contains the following tools to manage the items on the Sales Record:

  • Serial Tracking

  • Onsite Service Schedule

  • Stand Downs

  • Off Hire (All Items)

  • Pre/Post Inspections

  • On Hire (Partial)

  • Delivery (Partial)

  • Off Hire (Partial)

  • Pickup (Partial)

  • Return (Partial)

Sort Lines

There is a "Sort Lines" link available just under the invoice items on the left hand side. Clicking this will take you to a dedicated screen with tools to re-arange the order of your invoice items. Read more here:

Show Tax Exclusive/Inclusive

Just above the subtotal amount on the invoice, there is a link for Show Inc/Ex Tax. This will toggle whether the line amount should be shown before or after their tax component is added. Read more about Inc/Ex Tax including how to default this setting one way or the other:

Invoice Totals and Bonds


This is the sum of all the line items on the Sales Record before any tax amounts.

This can also be thought of as the (Total - Tax)


This is the sum of all taxes being charged in the line items on the invoice.

This can also be thought of as (Total - Subtotal)


This is the sum of all the Line totals on the invoice, including any taxes.

This can also be thought of as (Subtotal + Tax)

Bond Required

This field will only be visible if you have clicked "Add Bond", you have a default bond set up, or the invoice already has a bond set on it. This is where you define if any bond amount (extra temporary payment in addition to the value of the invoice) is required. Learn more about bonds in HirePOS here:

Total Inc Bond

This is the sum of the Invoice Total and the Bond Required. This is the amount of payment required before the hire items should be dispatched.

Amount Paid

This is the sum of all payment(s) received from the customer against this Sales Record so far.

Balance Due/Refund Due/Balance (Inc Bond)

Balance Due: No bond is required, this is the amount the customer still owes

Refund Due: The invoice is overpaid or in credit, and the customer is owed some money.

Balance (Inc Bond): A bond is required, and this is the total amount that still needs to be collected before the hire should be dispatched.


This section allows you to write a message to be shown to the customer on your outbound paperwork. You can set a default message for all new sales records and define alternative messages that can be selected from the Message dropdown menu on the invoice screen in Setup > Preferences > Sales. Read more about invoice messages here:


The comments section of the Sales REcord screen is for internal notes. By default, it is not visible to the customer. This is a good place to leave notes regarding changes, reasons for pricing/edits, or details about why a quote was not successful (as an example).

Several checkboxes are just above the comment section.

'Prompt' will display the comments section's contents in a popup when the sales record is opened next. Learn more about Comments and the Prompt option here:

'Signed' will cause an asterisk to show next to the record mode on the find sales and customer overview screens. This checkbox be renamed via Setup > Preferences > Checklist & Referal Sources.

The "Sent" checkbox will auto-tick itself when a Sales record is sent via email and will un-tick itself as the record mode changes. You can manually tick or untick this box if you have sent the record using an external email program. Learn more about the Sent Checkbox here:

Cancelled Records

In most instances, if you no longer require a particular Sales Record, the correct course of action is to cancel rather than delete it. This is the equivalent of 'voiding' a record in most accounting systems.

Cancelling the record will ensure a trail relating to the missing record number and provide history as to why the record was no longer required.

Depending on your view preferences, you will find a cancelled checkbox at the top right of the sales record screen, near the Options Menu, or in the "Other" tab, which is just above the Booked/Hired date field and items section.

Read more about Cancelling a Sales Record here:


Just above the Booked/Hired Dates (below the Billing and Delivery address areas) is a row of tabs. These contain dedicated areas for the less-commonly used features of the invoice screen. Some of these are areas to record extra information for the sale, others are lookups that show records related to the Sales Record.

The Main Tab (Items Tab)

This tab is selected whenever you create or open a sales record. It contains the Booked and Hired Dates, Staff members, and Items.

'Other' Tab


Invoice Version

If you need to revise and reissue an Invoice in HirePOS, you can consider appending an Invoice Version to the Invoice number. The Invoice No field in HirePOS is numeric only for incremental and consistent numbering. However, you can use the Invoice Version field to enter 1 or 2 alphanumeric characters for the Invoice Version.

For example, if the Invoice No is 1000, you could enter A, B, C, or 1, 2, 3 as the Invoice is revised.

By default, Invoice Version numbers are used only as an internal reference but can optionally be displayed to the customer as part of your invoice number 1000.A or 1000-1.

If you wish to display the Invoice Version on your Invoices, you will need to submit a custom request to have your Invoice template modified to accommodate this in your preferred format.

Invoice Due Date

The Invoice Due Date field in the Other tab of the Invoice screen can be calculated based on Payment Terms or adjusted manually on the Invoice. Read more about the Invoice Due Date here:

Date Quoted

Date Quoted shows the date a record was quoted and is auto-filled when creating a Quote. It serves as an internal reference, affects CRM > Quotes. It is automatically set when a a new Quote is created.

Quote Expiry Date

The quote expiry date will prevent a customer from accepting a quote via link.hirepos {QuoteAcceptanceLink} after the expiry date. It will also place the quote in the 'Expired" tab of CRM > Quotes if it is not accepted or declined by the expiry date.

Date Booked

Date Booked represents the date a Quote was converted to a booking or when a Booking was made. It is for internal reference.

Lag Hrs (Lag Hours)

Lag Time is additional time beyond the hire period for tasks like cleaning or delivery/pickup. Lag time will make hire items on the job unavailable for extra time before the booked from/hired from date or after the booked to/hired to dates. Read more about Lag Time here:

Cloud Drive Links

This is a space to store URLs to resources related to the Sales Record. For example, you may have a customer booking form, site map, indiction link or another resource you need to connect to the record and launch as required. These can be used in many creative ways with custom report templates.

Deposit Required

This is where you can define any pre-payment required to secure and confirm the booking.

With the correct setup, it is possible to raise dedicated 'Deposit Invoices' with just a few clicks. Read more about deposits and deposit invoices here:

  • Deposit Due: This is the date that the deposit is due. This data can be entered manually as required, or defaulted on new records by setting the "Deposit Due Days" Setting in Setup > Preferences > Bonds & Deposits. This date will be the 'Invoice Due Date" when using the New Deposit Invoices tool.

  • Deposit $/%: This is the deposit amount required, expressed in dollars or a percentage of the balance due on the current sales record. HirePOS will prioritise which ever value is higher.

Event Date

The Event Date signifies the date of a related event. It is crucial if different from the Booked-From date for Payment terms and 'by Event' type reports.

'Double-Bookings' Tab

This tab will provide a clear English explanation of any double booking warnings you receive while working with the Sales Record.

You can click on the title of each warning for a numeric representation (drill-down) of the potential issue.

There are many factors considered when calculating double booking warnings. For more information, please see the following article:

Custom Field Tab:

This section allows you to store specific data tailored to your business needs, enabling the creation of personalized fields for unique information not predefined in the software.

You can use Custom Fields for up to 8 dedicated data entry points
Custom Forms for a virtually unlimited number of questions/fields. Both options can be made available for customers to fill out when submitting a new order via the HirePOS Online Store.

You can define your custom field names in Setup > Preferences > Invoice Custom Field Names (Read more:


The CRM tab displays a list of CRM history relevant to the viewed Sales Record. It also provides buttons to create new CRM notes, records, and reminders, send CRM-related SMSs and emails, and view the customer's CRM timeline.

CRM records related to other sales records with the same LTH number (invoices in the same rollover series) will also appear here. For instance, if you recorded CRM notes against the initial invoice in a long line of rollovers, that note will be visible when viewing an invoice midway through the rollover chain. Read more about CRM in HirePOS here:

Signature Tab

The Signature tab displays any captured signatures for the viewed Sales Record. It only appears if at least one signature is present; if none are captured, the tab will not be visible. Read more about Signatures here:

Orders Tab

The Orders tab displays linked Purchase Orders for the Sales Record and provides a quick way to create a new one. The "New Order" button creates an empty Purchase Order, while the "New Order (Copy Items)" button creates a new Purchase Order with items copied from the Sales Record.

Learn more about Purchase Orders here:

Maintenance & Inspections Tab

The Maintenance and Inspections tab shows Inspection Checklists (pre/post hire) and Maintenance Records related to the Sales Records.

Learn more about the maintenance module (including inspections) here:

Stand Downs Tab

Stand Downs record periods when you do not bill for an item while it is on hire, typically due to agreements not to charge for equipment during severe weather, RDOs, or public holidays. They are not suitable for agreements that exclude weekends or Sundays, which should be managed in your selling unit setup.

Stand downs created using the Item Actions > Stand Downs tool on the Sales Record screen can be found in the Stand Downs tab, which also includes a button to access the Stand Downs tool.

Read more about recording stand downs in HirePOS here:

Timesheets Tab

Any Timesheet entries related to the Sales record will show in the Timesheets Tab.

Learn more about the HR tools in HirePOS, including Timesheets here:

Menus and Attachments

Options Menu

Change Customer

This option will let you change the billing customer on the Sales Record. When you select this option, a dropdown will appear above the current billing customers name on the left hand side of the screen, where you can select a different customer in the system to assign the sale to.

This option will not be present if any payments have been received against the sales record. Read more about changing the customer on a sales record here:

Change Contact

Like the Change Customer option, this allows you to select a different contact for the sale from a dropdown above the billing customer information. If the desired contact does not exist, you can create one. Read more about Customer Contacts here:

Remove Contact

This option will remove the currently linked billing customer contact from the Sales Record.

Create Duplicate

This option will direct you to a screen where you can duplicate the current sales record. You can affect what data is copied over and the dates for the new record before you execute the duplication. Read more about duplicate and rollover here:

Rollover Invoice

This is a Hire-specific tool, similar to duplication, but with some extra automation built in.

Rolling over an invoice will essentially duplicate an invoice, and additionaly do the following:

  • Populate the "Hired To" of the current invoice (effectively returning it at that date)

  • Create a new on-hire invoice with a Hired From date starting directly after the "Hired To" populated in the previous step.

  • Link the two invoices together. They will share an LTH number (Long-term-hire).

This tool can save a lot of trouble and time where one longer-term hire spans many billing periods. Rollover allows you to manage ongoing invoice creation, passing the management on the on-hire items to the latest invoice in the chain. Read more about Rollover here:

Set as Recurring

This will direct you to a screen where you can set the current record up as a recurring invoice. You can define a reference for the recursion and a recursion interval.

Recurring invoices are triggered manualy as required via Sales/Hire > Recurring Invoices. Read more about recurring invoices here:


Selecting 'Lock' will mark the record as locked, making it un-editable when opened moving forward. Administrator users will have the ability to temporarily unlock the record to make changes as required, but general users will be entireley unable to edit the record moving forward. Learn more about locked records here:


This option is only available to administrators. When viewing a locked sales record, an administrator can click Options > Unlock to temporarily make the record editable. The record will become locked again when the administrator saves it or leaves the page. Read more about locked records here:


This will mark the invoice as "Approved", which will also lock it at the same time. Learn more about approved invoices and how they can assist in speeding up the bulk emailing process:

Delete Sale

This will permanently delete the sale record from the system.

The deletion action will be recorded, along with a snapshot of the most critical data on the record.

Deletions are not reversable and should be avoided. In most cases, cancelling the record is a better course of action.

It is possible to prevent particular users from being able to perform deletions, requiring them to use the safer 'cancellation' option. You can enforce this via Setup > Preferences > Users > (user) > Permissions. Read more about deletions by reading the following guide:

Extras Menu

The extras menu is located in the top right of the Sales record screen, just next to the Options menu. It is only visible to users with suitable permissions. Following is a description of the options available in it.

Related Tasks

This screen enables the creation of tasks (shifts) linked to the Sales Record for the HR module. It is primarily used to manage crew for events and wet hire operations but can also handle various tasks, including preparations, services, logistics, and procurement. Read more and the HR Module in HirePOS:

Auxiliary Items

Auxiliary Items are for managing additional assets that are necessary for a job but are not billable. These items, such as trolleys, tape, and ladders, can be easily set up and added to bookings or invoices. Learn more about Auxillary Items here:

Cost/Profit Calculator

The Cost/Profit screen displays a list of invoice item lines with columns for Cost, Revenue, Mark-up percentage, and Profit. You can enter the known costs for each line on your invoice, or use the current costs set up in the system to calculate the margin on the invoice.

Read more about Cost/Profit in HirePOS here:

Finance Settings

This launched the Sales Record settings for the finance module. The finance module is a speciality toolset for rent-to-buy and long-term appliance rental operations. Read more about the finance module here:

File Attachments

The file attachment button, represented by a paperclip icon, is located in the top right corner of the Sales Record Screen. It allows you to attach customer POs, photos, and other documents to the Sales Record. Additionally, you can make specific files accessible to delivery drivers through the delivery/pickup schedule, which is helpful for site maps and delivery instructions.

Sales records signed via link.hirepos (the {viewButton}) are snapshotted at signing, and a PDF copy is stored as an attachment here.

Read more about file attachments in HirePOS here:


Photos can be stored against a Sales Record using the Photos button, located in the top right area (just below the Options menu) or towards the bottom of the invoice screen, below the comments section.

Read more about Sales Record (invoice) photos here:


Just beneath the comments section toward the bottom of the Sales Record screen, you will find a "Show History" button. Clicking this will reveal a list of all significant events relating to the sales record. This includes (cut is not limited to):

  • Changes to the items, dates, for dollar amounts on the Sales Record, including a record of the user who made the changed or performed the action

  • Payments received against the Sales Record

  • Key administration events (such as marking as approved)

  • Signature events

  • Email events. Read more about Email History here:

Where a History event has recorded a before/after snapshot of the Sales Record, the history line will be blue and clickable. Clicking the history line will launch a popup that compares the before and after states of the Sales Record.


  • Save, to save and exit the record

    • You will be directed back to the page you entered the sales record from.

  • Preview, to save and review/print the record.

  • Payment, to save and record a customer payment

  • Email, to save and email a copy of the record to the customer.

    • This option will navigate you to the Email screen where you can select an email template to use, confirm or add recipient email addresses, review and edit the email body and include any required attachments. When happy, you can send the email.

Workflow Example: Create a New Sales Record (Quote, Booking, Invoice etc)

  1. From the Main Menu, navigate to Sales/Hire > Customer Overview.

  2. Select an existing customer or create a new customer.

  3. Choose New Quote, Booking, Invoice or other record from the dropdown menu next to the New Invoice button based on your requirements.

  4. If required, add a Delivery Address and set the 'Delivery/Pickup Required' or 'Customer Collection' in the Delivery/Pickup Details area.

  5. Enter the Booked From and Booked To dates. These are the estimated dispatch and estimated return dates respectively.

    1. If the job is going on-hire right now, click the green Mark On-Hire button.

  6. Select the item(s) to be hired/sold from the Code column of the items section.

    1. Ensure the quantity, unit, price, and tax columns are accurate

  7. Review the entered data, adding extra information such as Customer PO or Reference if desired.

  8. Save the record.