Sales Record Modes


All Sales Records

There are several Sales Record Modes in HirePOS, with Quotes, Bookings, and Invoices being the most common. Each mode serves a specific purpose, and choosing the right one can significantly enhance your workflow.

Creating a Sales Record

To create a Sales Record:

  1. From the menu strip at the top of the main screen, navigate to Sales/Hire > Customer Overview or click the Sales button on the Reminder screen.

  2. Look up an existing customer or add a new customer.

  3. Click the appropriate button (New Quote, New Booking, New Invoice) or select the desired record mode from the dropdown list of all possible modes next to the New Invoice button.

  4. Add the required information to the record

  5. Save the Record when complete.

Changing the mode of a Sales Record

You can change the Mode of a Sales Record at any time using the Mode Dropdown on the Sales Record screen. This is located next to the Sales Record Number and Date fields. Depending on your user preferences, it will be either at the top right of the screen or just below the billing customer details.

Certain Modes will not be valid in particular instances. For example, only 'Invoices', 'Credit Notes', and 'Contracts' can be 'On-Hire' or 'Returned'. Having any dates in the 'Hired From' or 'Hired To' fields is invalid for other records.

'Sales Orders' cannot have any Booked or Hired Dates, and 'Credit Notes' must have a total balance of less than $0.


Estimates are for compiling Sales Records in a draft or temporary state. They do not trigger reminders, affect availability, or appear in most reports. Estimates can provide price quotes to customers or serve as drafts for Quotes.


  • Do not affect Hire Availablility

  • Do not affect Sales Stock levels

  • Do not trigger Reminders on the Reminders Screen

  • Do not appear in most reports

  • Do not affect sales figures (revenue) or payments outstanding (accounts receivable)


Quotes are the first of the most common 3 record modes. Quotes do not affect hire item availability or double booking warnings, however you can include them when viewing Sales/Hire > Availiability for an indication of availability should the quotes be confirmed.

Quotes can be sent to the customer via email with a link that allows them to review and approve or decline the quote. By default, customer approval will convert the Quote to a reservation automatically. If the customer declines the Quote, the Quote will be cancelled in HirePOS automatically.

Quotes can be managed using the dedicated Quotes tool in HirePOS, found in CRM > Quotes.


  • Do not affect Hire Availablility

  • Do not affect Sales Stock levels

  • Do trigger Reminders on the Reminders Screen

  • Do not appear in 'Sales by' or 'Booking by' reports, but do appear in dedicated 'Quotes and Reservations' Reports.

  • Do not affect sales figures (revenue) or payments outstanding (accounts receivable)


Reservations are a sort of halfway point between Quotes and Bookings.

They are not 'confirmed' in nature. They do affect Hire availability, but they cannot be dispatched.

Reservations can be thought of as a 'Quote that reserves Hire items' or 'an un-confirmed Booking'


  • Do affect Hire Availablility

  • Do not affect Sales Stock levels

  • Do trigger Reminders on the Reminders Screen

  • Do not appear in 'Sales by' or 'Booking by' reports, but to appear in dedicated 'Quotes and Reservations' Reports.

  • Do not affect sales figures (revenue) or payments outstanding (accounts receivable)


Bookings are the 2nd of the 3 most common record types.

Bookings are confirmed in nature, ready to be prepped or dispatched or delivered and appear in 'Bookings by' and 'Hires by' reports.


  • Do affect Hire Availablility

  • Do not affect Sales Stock levels

  • Do trigger Reminders on the Reminders Screen

  • Do not appear in 'Sales by' reports, but are included in 'Bookings by' and 'Hires by' type reports, amongst others.

  • Do not affect sales figures (revenue) or payments outstanding (accounts receivable)


Invoices are the most common record used in the system. Bookings that have been dispatched will automatically turn into Invoices. Invoices are often used in place of bookings where payment upfront is required, and the customer requires a "Tax Invoice" document to make payment.

Invoices can be pre-dispatch, on-hire or returned. Invoices can also be used for non-hire arrangements, such as service-only or sales of goods transactions.

Invoices and Credit Notes are the only two Sales Record types that can be exported to accounting software and are the only ones that will affect "Sales by" type reports.

'On-hire' invoices will generate paperwork titled "Contract" instead of "Tax Invoice" by default and will be excluded from sales reports and most invoice-related tools, though they can be included in specific cases. This approach accommodates the variability of on-hire invoices, as customers may return items early or late, impacting the record's total value. Once returned or rolled over, invoices are treated as standard Tax Invoices, and their value is considered final.


  • Do affect Hire Availability

  • Do affect Sales Stock levels

  • Do trigger Reminders on the Reminders Screen

  • Do appear in 'Sales by' reports, and most other reports.

  • Do affect sales figures (revenue) or payments outstanding (accounts receivable)


The contract mode is included for legacy compatibility but is sometimes used to create a single 'overarching' agreement or contract with a hirer for long-term hire. Contracts have a similar effect in the system as Bookings, however will show up with their distinct colour and mode name.


  • Do affect Hire Availablility

  • Do not affect Sales Stock levels

  • Do trigger Reminders on the Reminders Screen

  • Do not appear in 'Sales by' reports, but are included in 'Bookings by' and 'Hires by' type reports, amongst others.

  • Do not affect sales figures (revenue) or payments outstanding (accounts receivable)

Sales Orders

Sales Orders are used when a customer requests goods that are not currently in stock and need to be ordered from a supplier.

Sales Orders are often used as "Proforma Invoices." You can request that your customer-facing paperwork be titled "Proforma Invoice" when using Sales Orders, which will still be labelled as a "Sales Order" in HirePOS but will appear differently on outbound documents.

Sales Orders do not have Booked or Hired Dates. They do not directly affect stock levels, but you can preview estimated Sales Stock levels, including Sales Orders, via Orders (Expenses) > Stock Levels & Reordering.

Sales orders:

  • Do not affect Hire Availablility

  • Do not affect Sales Stock levels, although you can optionally include them when using Orders (expenses) > Stock Levels & Reordering

  • Do not trigger Reminders on the Reminders Screen

  • Do not appear in 'Sales by' reports, but do appear in several order-related reports.

  • Do not affect sales figures (revenue) or payments outstanding (accounts receivable)

Creating and Linking a Purchase Order to the Sales Order

To create and link a Purchase Order to a Sales Order:

  1. From the Sales Order screen, click the Options button at the top right side.

  2. Select Create Purchase Order from the dropdown menu.

  3. The Purchase Order screen will open with the Customer Invoice field pre-populated with the related Invoice Number.

  4. Choose a Supplier and complete the purchase order as usual.

Checking the Status of Sales Orders

To check the status of Sales Orders:

  1. From the main menu strip at the top, go to Sales/Hire > Find Sales/Hire.

  2. Click the Sales Orders tab.

The Sales Orders tab displays the Order No and Order Status columns, showing the status of the Purchase Order linked to the invoice.

By following these steps, you can efficiently manage Sales Orders, create Purchase Orders, and track the status of your orders within the system.

Credit Note

Credit notes are the opposite of invoices, representing money owed to the customer. A customer with an outstanding invoice of $100 and a credit note of $100 has an account balance of $0 in HirePOS. Credit notes directly affect accounts receivable and sales figures. They can be used to offset outstanding invoices for the same customer via Payments > Receive Payments.

Credit notes affect Sales stock levels like Invoices but are typically used with a negative item quantity, returning the sales item(s) to stock. For Hire Items, the negative revenue reduces the items' income for the period.

Credit Notes:

  • Do affect Hire Availability

  • Do affect Sales Stock levels

  • Do trigger Reminders on the Reminders Screen

  • Do appear in 'Sales by' reports, amongst others.

  • Do affect sales figures (revenue) or payments outstanding (accounts receivable)