

In HirePOS, the Autocalc popup feature is designed to help you recalculate Booking/Invoice quantities and units based on the period of hire. This guide will walk you through how to use the Autocalc popup and its options effectively.

Autocalc Popup Functionality

The Autocalc popup is enabled by default and triggers when you modify the Booked From/To or Hired From/To dates. Additionally, you can manually access the Autocalc popup by clicking the Autocalc link situated at the bottom right of the line items grid.

Autocalc Options

  • Yes, Recalculate Prices: This option recalculates both the Selling unit and the Qty/Units column.

  • Just the Qty, not the Unit/Rate: Selecting this option recalculates only the Qty/Units column, leaving the Selling unit unchanged.

  • Don't Autocalc: Choosing this option prevents any recalculation and closes the prompt.

How to Toggle Autocalc On/Off

To switch Autocalc on or off:

  1. Click the Autocalc link at the bottom right of the line items grid, above the Subtotal section.

  2. Check the indicator next to the Autocalc link to verify if Autocalc is enabled or disabled.

  3. Adjust the Autocalc Off/On toggle located at the bottom right of the popup to turn Autocalc on or off as needed.

By following these steps, you can effectively utilize the Autocalc popup feature in Hirepos to manage and recalculate quantities and units for your bookings and invoices.

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