Form Templates


Custom Forms in HirePOS allow you to create personalized data entry forms to meet specific requirements that standard fields may not cover. This feature provides flexibility and customization options for your business needs.

Setting Up a Custom Form Template

To create a Custom Form Template:

  1. Navigate to Setup > Preferences > Form Templates.

  2. Click on an existing template to edit or create a new template.

  3. Define the Type, Label, and Placeholder for each field in the form.

  4. Customize the form based on your requirements, such as for events or weddings.

  5. Add new fields by selecting the Field Type buttons or rearrange fields by dragging and dropping.

  6. Once satisfied with the template, click Save to finalize.

Using Custom Forms

After creating a form template, you can integrate it into various aspects of your HirePOS system:

Online Store Integration

Make the custom form a part of the checkout process on your online store:

  1. Go to Setup > Preferences > Online Store.

  2. Select the Form template you created from the dropdown in the Custom fields tab.

  3. Save Changes to apply the custom form to the checkout process.

Invoice Screen Integration

Utilize the custom form on the Invoice screen:

  1. Open a Sales Record and navigate to the Custom Fields tab.

  2. Select the Template you want to use from the Custom Form section.

  3. Access the form template for data entry.

Item Details Screen Integration

Incorporate the custom form into the Item details screen:

  1. Go to Setup > Items and edit an item.

  2. Access the Custom Fields tab and click Custom Form.

  3. Select the Template for data entry.

The custom form details will be visible in the item preview popup and the Items/Prices screen.

Custom Form Data in Report Templates

Custom form data can be included in report templates like Tax Invoices and Delivery Dockets. The data is displayed in groups, with one line for each field label and value. For more complex data separation, consider using custom fields.

For further assistance or inquiries about custom report templates, contact us at