Duplicate/Rollover Sales records


Duplicating and Rollover of Invoices in HirePOS

When managing sales records in Hirepos, you have the option to duplicate or rollover invoices. This feature allows you to create new invoices based on existing ones, saving you time and effort. Below are the steps to duplicate or rollover an invoice in Hirepos:

Rollover Invoice

The Rollover Invoice function in Hirepos enables you to close off the original invoice and link it to the duplicated invoice, similar to an End of Month (EoM) rollover. Follow these steps to rollover an invoice:

  • Select "RollOver Invoice" from the Options Menu on the invoice you wish to rollover.

  • The new invoice will be labeled as "Continued From," while the original copied invoice will be labeled as "Rolled To."

  • It is recommended to use the "Use specific Dates/Times" setting to set the Booked-To date of the duplicated invoice.

Additionally, on the Sales and Find Sales screens, you can click the Eyeball preview icon on rolled or continued invoices to view the full rollover chain at the top right of the popup.

Duplicate an Invoice

To duplicate an invoice in Hirepos, follow these steps:

  • Click on the "Options" button at the top right of the invoice page and select "Create Duplicate."

  • Several options are available to default the details of the new duplicate invoice, which can be changed or overwritten later.

  • Choosing "Don't copy dates" will default everything on the duplicated invoice to blank.

  • Opting for "Use specific Dates/Times" will default the Booked-From/To dates to the specified ones.

  • Selecting "Move Hire Dates Forward" will retain the existing dates but push them forward by a specified interval on the duplicated invoice.