Invoice Numbers


The following guide examines how Invoice numbers work in HirePOS and how to troubleshoot sequencing issues.

  • Automatic Incrementing: Invoice numbers in HirePOS automatically increment from the highest existing number in the system.

  • Character Limitations: Invoice numbers can only contain numeric characters. Letters and special characters are not permitted.

  • Consistent Numbering: The invoice number remains the same throughout the entire transaction cycle. For example, if you create Quote #123, it will remain as Booking #123 and Invoice #123 upon completion of the hire.

Fixing Sequence Issues

If you encounter an incorrect invoice number or a disrupted sequence, you can address the issue using the following methods:

Manual Correction

  1. Identify the Incorrect Invoice: Locate the invoice with the incorrect number.

  2. Update Subsequent Invoices: Adjust the invoice number and update all subsequent invoices created after the error. This is feasible if the issue is recent and affects only a few records.

  3. Consider Previous Transactions: If invoices have already been sent or the problem has persisted for a longer time, comprehensive manual corrections may be challenging.

Max Invoice Number Setting

  1. Access the Setting: Navigate to Setup > Preferences > Restrictions.

  2. Set a Maximum Invoice Number: Adjust the maximum invoice number (e.g., setting it to 1000) to prevent any new invoice numbers from exceeding this limit.

  3. Unused Numbers: When creating the next invoice, HirePOS will search for any unused invoice numbers below the maximum you've set.

Preventing Future Issues

  • Lock the Invoice Number Field: To minimize the risk of manual changes causing sequence issues, lock the invoice number field on the invoice screen. This option is also located in Setup > Preferences > Restrictions.

By following these guidelines, you can maintain a consistent and orderly invoice numbering system in HirePOS, ensuring clarity and accuracy in your records.

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