Double Bookings


Double booking warnings are a crucial feature in HirePOS that helps prevent date/time overlaps, ensuring smooth business operations and customer satisfaction. This document provides detailed information on how to handle double booking alerts and resolve conflicts effectively.

Areas of Concern

The double booking warnings in HirePOS cover various areas including:

  • Reservations/Bookings/Invoices

  • Maintenance Records

  • Inspection Checklists

  • Branch Transfers

Maintenance Records, Inspections, and Branch Transfers

If you receive a Double-Booking warning for a given item, but have no other bookings for said item, check if there are any Maintenance Records, Inspections, or Branch Transfers scheduled on the same day as the item booking.

Maintenance Records and Inspections behave just like Sales Records (Quotes, Bookings, Invoices, etc) and can potentially overlap and cause a clash with Sales Records or other Inspections & Maintenance Records.

For Inspections, you can prevent double-booking warnings from being displayed for them by switching OFF the Inspection Checklist Availability Checks setting from Setup > Preferences > Maintenance.

Double Booking Alerts

When you receive a double booking alert, click the red banner to expand and view warning messages that explain the issue at hand. In cases of multiple conflicts, clicking the Item Code/Description reveals the Availability popup, providing a visual overview of the conflict.

Availability Drill-down

Clicking the Item Code/Description in the double booking warning displays the Availability drill-down screen, offering a detailed visual representation of the conflict.

Other Factors

Aside from the date range of the booking or maintenance record, several other factors can contribute to double booking conflicts:

  • Item Quantity For Hire

  • Branch Quantity For Hire

  • Lag Time

  • Overdue Returns

  • TBA End Date

  • Incorrectly Assigned as a Hire Item

  • Unresolved Double-bookings for On-Hire invoices

    • Double-Bookings on prior On-Hire invoices will impact all future bookings with the same item.

    • This occurs because an On-Hire invoice represents an ongoing hire, meaning its allocations could still affect availability for future bookings.

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