Delivery/Pickup Schedule

Delivery/Pickup Schedule
The Delivery/Pickup Schedule feature in our system is designed to facilitate the efficient management of delivery and pickup jobs. This comprehensive ...
Driver/Vehicle Allocations
Efficient management of driver and vehicle allocations is essential for optimising delivery, pickup, and service operations within HirePOS. This docum...
Delivery Address
In the HirePOS system, managing delivery addresses is crucial for accurate and efficient invoicing and order fulfillment. This guide provides detailed...
Pickup Address
When creating a booking or invoice in our system, it is important to correctly enter the pickup address. By default, the pickup address is assumed to ...
Use Check Off when completing Deliveries and Pickups
In Hirepos, you have the option to configure the Delivery/Pickup Schedule to mark off each item individually rather than the entire job at once. This ...
Crew/Staff and the Delivery/Pickup Schedule
In situations where you have multiple drivers or staff going out on site for Delivery, Pickup, or a Service, you can efficiently manage these tasks us...
Notify via SMS on Delivery completion
This feature enables delivery drivers to inform customers via SMS when a delivery has been successfully completed. By following the steps outlined bel...