Mobility Hire and Sales Workflow in HirePOS (and Xero)
This document outlines a particular Hire and Sales workflow for use with Mobility Hire, Rental, Sales and Service companies using HirePOS. This workflow is an example and is open to modification/alteration to suit a specific businesses needs.
Hire and Sales Workflow in HirePOS
Hire Transactions Workflow
Hire transactions in HirePOS follow a structured flow through three distinct stages. The process begins with the creation of a Quote (tentative), serving as an initial record. Once approved and confirmed, the Quote transitions into a Booking (confirmed), reserving hire stock for the customer. When the Booking progresses to the hire stage, the system automatically converts it into an Invoice (complete). The transition from Quote to Booking can be automated based on payment receipt or customer approval via, or it can be manually managed by an employee on the Quote/Booking screen.
Does not reserve hire stock or affect hire availability.
Used as a preliminary document before customer confirmation.
Can be converted into a booking upon customer confirmation.
Affects hire availability and effectively reserves hire items for the customer.
Ensures the items are marked as unavailable for the hire period.
Remains in this state until items go on hire or are returned.
Triggers reminders on the reminder screen, dispatch screen, and delivery pickup schedule.
Created when payment is required prior to hire or when items officially go on hire.
Remains an invoice upon return of items.
Only invoices are eligible for export to Xero for accounting purposes.
Revenue will show up in sales reports upon return (or rollover for long-term hires).
Sales Transactions Workflow
The Sales workflow follows a similar structure to the Hire workflow, with three stages: tentative, confirmed, and complete—ultimately resulting in a Tax Invoice. However, the first two stages differ.
Sales begin with an Estimate, which serves as a Proforma Invoice for the customer. Once confirmed and paid, the Estimate is converted into a Sales Order. When stock has been obtained, allocated, and delivered, the Sales Order is then converted into a Tax Invoice.
Does not affect sales inventory.
Custom invoice templates are used to generate PDFs titled “Proforma Invoice.”
By default, HirePOS will generate an "Estimate" document for the end customer. The HirePOS user may request a customisation to their templates to make their "Estimates" present as a "Proforma Invoice" to the end customer. The record will always appear as an estimate inside HirePOS though.
Used before stock is ordered or delivered.
Customers must make payment before conversion to a Sales Order.
Created once a Proforma (Estimate) is paid.
Triggers demand for stock in the system.
Some sales orders can be fulfilled immediately using on-hand inventory, while others require new stock procurement.
Employees responsible for procurement will review new sales orders and generate linked purchase orders for required stock.
Once the supplier delivers stock to the business, it can be prepared for customer delivery.
Same final stage as hire invoices.
Revenue (Sales Income) is only reported once converted to an invoice.
The system setting “Set invoice date to current date when converting to invoice” must be enabled to ensure revenue aligns with delivery date.
Invoice mode directly reduces sales stock on hand based on invoice items and quantities.
Only invoices are eligible for export to Xero, ensuring only finalized, delivered transactions are sent to accounting.
Sales Order Demand & Purchase Order Workflow
When a Sales Order is created, it generates demand for stock within the system.
The current stock levels (including or excluding Sales Orders and awaiting purchase orders) can be viewed via the Stock Levels and Reordering screen.
Employees tasked with procurement review new sales orders to determine whether required stock is already available or needs to be ordered.
If stock is unavailable, a Purchase Order (PO) is created and linked to the Sales Order record to ensure traceability.
You can start at the Sales Order, go to the Orders tab, and create a Purchase Order directly from the Sales Order, or:
Start with a PO and link it back to related Sales Order(s) after saving (useful when fulfilling multiple sales orders with one purchase order).
When the supplier delivers the ordered stock, it is received into the system, making it available for the corresponding sales order.
The business then prepares the stock for delivery to the customer.
Upon delivery, the Sales Order is converted into an Invoice, finalizing the sale and affecting inventory levels accordingly.
Stock Levels and Reordering
Stock levels can be viewed under Orders > Stock Levels and Reordering.
Users can choose to view stock levels with or without sales orders included.
The screen allows toggling of awaiting (not yet received) purchase orders.
Stock levels can be viewed in two ways:
Current Stock on Shelf – Shows what is physically available now. (Include Sales Orders and Include Awaiting Purchase Orders = OFF)
Projected Stock Levels – Includes pending purchase and sales orders, providing a future-looking stock view. (Include Sales Orders and Include Awaiting Purchase Orders = ON)
Prepayment Account Setup in HirePOS
Users need to create an account in HirePOS to store prepayments.
This account should be named "Prepayments".
If the business plans to back-export these payment records to Xero, they should assign a Chart of Accounts (COA) code that matches Xero’s corresponding liability account.
This setup is a one-time configuration done under Setup > Bank Accounts in HirePOS.
Ensuring this account is properly configured will allow smooth prepayment tracking and reconciliation between HirePOS and Xero.
HirePOS and Xero Integration: Payment & Invoice Workflows
Prepayment Handling Process
Send the Estimate (Proforma Invoice) to the Customer
This does not yet exist in Xero.
The customer will make payment based on this document.
Customer Makes Payment (via Bank Transfer)
Since the estimate is not in Xero, the payment must be manually recorded as a Prepayment in Xero.
Follow the Xero documentation on Prepayments (Read more here: Xero Prepayment Guide).
Record the Payment in HirePOS Manually
Locate the corresponding Estimate in HirePOS.
Manually record the equivalent payment in HirePOS.
Place the payment in the dedicated Prepayments Account in HirePOS.
Convert the Estimate to a Sales Order and Eventually to an Invoice
Convert the Estimate to a Sales Order once the payment has been received.
When the goods are ready and have been delivered to the customer, convert the Sales Order to an Invoice in HirePOS.
The invoice can now be exported to Xero as a finalized transaction.
Allocate the Prepayment in Xero
The Xero accounts team will allocate the prepayment record to the final invoice.
HirePOS should not export the earlier prepayment record to Xero.