Stock Levels & Reordering


Accessing the Sales Stock Levels & Reordering Screen

To access the Sales Stock Levels & Reordering screen, follow these steps:

  1. From the main menu strip at the top, navigate to Order (or Expenses) > Stock Levels & Reordering.

Ordering Items

When on the Sales Stock Levels & Reordering screen, you can order items by following these steps:

  1. The items list is initially sorted by Topup %, but you can apply filters and resort as needed.

  2. Select a Supplier filter to narrow the list to items associated with a specific supplier.

  3. Click the Cart button icon in the Manual+ column to enter the quantity to order manually, or click the Cart button icon in the Auto+ column to automatically add the recommended Topup Qty to the cart.

  4. Monitor the number of items in the cart using the Add Cart checkbox at the top of the screen.

  5. Click New Order or New Quote to create a new purchase record from the items in the cart. The cart will automatically empty if the Empty Cart after adding? box is checked.

Including Awaiting Purchase Orders & Sales Orders

In HirePOS, you have the option to include Awaiting Purchase Orders and Sales Orders in your stock counts. Here's how you can do it:

  1. In the Stock Levels screen, click the Filters button to reveal the filter options.

  2. Check the Include Awaiting Purchase Orders checkbox to incorporate purchase orders that have been raised but not yet been received.

  3. Check the Include Sales Orders checkbox to include Sales Orders that have not been converted to an invoice.

The list will update immediately, and the Current, Topup %, and Topup Qty columns will adjust accordingly based on your selections. You can hover over the Current column to view a breakdown of Awaiting Purchase Orders and Sales Orders, along with the Final Stock figure if these are considered.