Wagebook (Overview)


The Wage Book module serves as a payroll solution integrated within HirePOS. It is intended for micro-businesses using a cash-based accounting method.

It simplifies payroll processing for micro-businesses by incorporating Single Touch Payroll, leave management, overtime calculations, PAYG calculations and seamless integration with timesheets.

Proper employee setup and configuration of wage records are essential for accurate payroll processing.

Employee Setup

The Wage Book consists of two different types of records, the Wage Record (Payslip) and the Holidays/Leave records. 

Before using the Wage Book, you must set up employee default Wage Book details via Setup > Staff.

  1. Select the staff member or add a new one.

  2. Ensure the employees basic contact details are correct on in the Staff Details tab.

  3. Click the Wage Book tab and enter the relevant payroll details.

    1. The hours and rate are default details and can be overwritten on the Wage Record if required. 

    2. The Tax Table is critical to ensure the tax withholding is calculated correctly.

    3. Ensure the Super Percent field is has a value entered (e.g. 9.5)

  4. Click Save Changes to save the record.


  1. From the top menu, navigate to Expenses > Wage Book.

  2. Choose an employee from the Employee dropdown.

  3. Any previously entered wage records will be displayed according to the selected date range. This date range is saved, so you may need to adjust it manually to view the most recent pays.

  4. Click the + New Wage Record button.

  5. Verify the pay dates, which will default to the current period. Adjust if necessary.

    • Note: Typically, the Pay Date should match the Pay Period To date.

  6. Enter the normal earnings hours and rate. If both hours and rate are entered, the Gross/Tax/Net amounts will be calculated automatically. To input a set Gross amount, the hours and rate need to balance, or you can leave them blank and directly enter a set amount.

  7. To override the tax amount, click the Tax Table button at the top right, and select the None (Manual Tax Entry) option to disable the automatic tax calculation.

Single Touch Payroll

HirePOS uses the 'Single Touch Lite' product to submit payroll data to the ATO.

See the Single Touch Payroll guide for more info: https://docs.hirepos.com/en/articles/3193857

Annual and Sick Leave Dividers

Calculating annual and sick leave dividers based on the National Employment Standards (NES) ensures accurate accrual of leave hours for employees. By defining these dividers in the Wage Book settings, you can streamline leave calculations and comply with regulatory requirements.

The following information is general in nature and is based on the Australian National Employment Standards at the time of writing. Ensure that the leave calculations you use in your system satisfy the latest NES requirements or the requirements of your specific award or agreement.

The following article describes how the Sick and Annal Leave dividers in HirePOS Wagebook are calculated.

Where to Set Leave Dividers for Staff

You set the leave dividers for staff in Setup > Staff (or HR > Staff). Select a staff member, and navigate to the Wagebook tab.

Calculating Annual Leave (Based on NES)

Annual and Sick Leave Dividers are used in HirePOS to define the rate at which an employee is to accrue leave hours.

An example of what these might look like, based on the Minimum NES requirements at the time of writing, for a full time employee is:

Annual Leave Divider: 13.035714
Sick Leave Divider: 26.071428

Fair Work Leave Calculator

You can use the Leave Calculator to find out how much annual or sick / carer's leave has accumulated under your award or under the National Employment Standards (NES). 

Always use this calculator to cross-check any calculated leave.

This can be found at: https://calculate.fairwork.gov.au/Leave

Calculating Annual Leave Divider (Full Time)

  • The NES (National Employment Standards) considers a full-time work week to be 38 hours.
    (More info here: https://www.fairwork.gov.au/sites/default/files/migration/723/Annual-leave.pdf)

  • A normal working day is therefore 7.6 hours (38 hours / 5 days).

  • 4 weeks of annual leave equals 20 days, (5 days × 4 weeks).

  • Every day you accumulate 0.416438356 hours of leave (20 days × 7.6 hours / 365 days) = "accumulation rate".

  • Two formulas give us your annual leave entitlement in hours and days.

  • Hours accumulated = Days worked × Accumulation rate (0.416438356)

  • Days accumulated = Days worked × Accumulation rate (0.416438356) / 7.6

    • Example: For a standard 38 hour week the formula to get the Annual Leave Divider is:

      38 / (0.416438356 X 7)  = 13.03571429085996
      Which is calculated as 2.915068 hours accumulated for a standard 38 hour week.
      Enter the Annual Leave Divider in the Wage Book tab in the Staff setup as 13.03571429085996

Calculating Sick Leave Divider (Full Time)

Sick Leave Entitlements

Sick Leave Accrual

This entitlement will accrue at the rate of:

  • 10 days per year for full-time employees.

  • 7.6 hrs/day X 10 (sick days) = 76 hrs sick leave / year.

  • 38 hrs X 52 weeks = 1976 hrs / year.

  • (76 / 1976) 0.0384615 sick hrs / work hr.

  • 0.0384615 X 38 = 1.461537 sick hrs/ week

  • 38 / 1.461537 = 26

  • Enter 26 as the Sick Leave Divider in the Staff > Wage Book tab.