Cross Hire


In the business world, managing cross-hire equipment from third parties is a common practice. Setting up and tracking these items accurately is crucial for maintaining organized data. This guide will walk you through the different methods of setting up cross-hire items in your system to suit your business needs.

Cross Hire Placeholder (Low Detail)

If you don't require detailed sales information based on item type or supplier, creating a Non-Stock Placeholder is a simple solution. Follow these steps:

  • Create a new item in Setup > Items and name it "Cross Hire Placeholder" or similar.

  • Ensure the item type is not a Hire item type but a new type like "Cross-Hire".

  • Check the Non-stock checkbox under the Configuration section and save changes.

While this method lacks detailed sales figures, it provides a basic placeholder for cross-hire items.

Per-Item, Per-Supplier Placeholder (Medium Detail)

For more detailed sales figures per supplier/item, creating specific placeholders for each item and supplier is necessary. Here's how:

  • Create a new item for each kind of item hired, for each supplier.

  • Name the item based on the item type and assign a recognizable code.

  • Set up the item under the "Cross-Hire" item type and link it to the respective supplier.

This method allows for detailed sales reports based on item type and supplier, enhancing data accuracy.

Cross Hire Items (Specific Asset Number Method)

For tracking individual asset numbers from suppliers, setting up proper "Cross Hire Items" is essential. Follow these steps:

  • Create a separate Item Type called 'Cross Hire' to distinguish cross-hire items from regular inventory.

  • Set up Cross Hire owners as Suppliers in the system.

  • Create or select an item to be cross-hired, assign it the Cross Hire Item Type, and link it to the respective supplier.

This method allows for detailed tracking of individual asset numbers and ensures accurate reporting.


To generate reports on cross-hired equipment, navigate to Reports > Cross Hire. The following reports are available:

  • Currently On Hire by Item: Displays all cross-hire items currently out on hire.

  • Sales by Item: Shows items on a cross-hire owner basis with related invoices and revenue.

  • Sales by Month (Summary): Summarizes cross-hire owner revenue on a monthly basis.

By following these steps and utilizing the reporting features, you can efficiently manage and track cross-hire items in your system, ensuring accurate data and streamlined operations.