Emailing a Sales Record (Quote/Booking/Invoice) from the Sales Record Screen
Accessing the Email Invoice Screen
When working with a sales record in HirePOS, such as a quote, booking, or invoice, you can email it directly to a customer or other recipients. There are two ways to access the Email Invoice screen:
From the Sales Record Screen:
Click the Email button located at the bottom of the sales record screen.
This will open the Email Invoice screen, where you can configure the email before sending.
From the Preview Screen:
Click Preview at the bottom of the sales record screen.
Select the template you wish to email.
Review the document.
Click Email at the top of the preview screen to send the selected template.
Email Template Selection
At the top of the Email Invoice screen, there is a dropdown for selecting an email template.
If no template is selected, the default email template will be used.
The dropdown is only used to select alternate templates.
User-Specific Defaults: A specific user can have a default email template. If they are logged into HirePOS, their assigned default template will be used.
Customer-Specific Defaults: Some customers may have a designated email template. When emailing a sales record for one of these customers, their specific template will automatically load.
Recipient Fields
Reply-To Field: Set to the business default.
To Field: Automatically populated with the customer’s email address.
Clicking the plus/minus box next to the To field reveals additional fields:
CC Field: Populated based on the values defined in Customer Setup.
BCC Field: Populated based on values in Setup > Preferences > Email Templates and Settings.
These fields generally do not need to be modified but are available for special cases.
Alternative Recipient Options
If any linked contacts (Delivery Via/Driver, Staff Member, or Customer Contact) are assigned to the sales record, their email addresses appear as clickable links below the To Field.
These links are labeled Staff, Contact, and Delivery Via.
Clicking one of these links changes the To email address to that of the selected person.
Email Content Editing
Subject and Message Body:
These are populated based on the selected email template.
Both fields can be freely edited before sending.
Ideally, templates should utilize placeholders to automatically generate appropriate content.
Attachments Section
This section includes checkboxes to optionally attach additional PDFs.
If the View button is included in the email template, no attachments will be added by default. Instead, the customer will need to use the online portal to view, download, sign, or pay against their sales record.
Available attachment options include:
Quote, Booking, or Invoice PDF attachments
Alternate or Custom templates
Delivery dockets, Pickup dockets, and Collection dockets
Most recent maintenance record
Up to three of the most recent inspection checklists attached to the invoice
Attachments belonging to items listed on the invoice
Sales record file attachments (uploaded via the paperclip icon in the top-right corner of the sales record screen)
Users can also upload up to two additional files manually (Max file size: 4MB per file).
Marking the Invoice as Sent
A checkbox labeled Mark Invoice as Sent is present in this section.
This checkbox is enabled by default, meaning the invoice status will be updated to "Sent" in the system.
If unchecked, sending the email will not update the sales record’s status.
Sending or Cancelling the Email
At the bottom of the Email Invoice screen, there are two action buttons:
Send – Sends the email.
Cancel – Returns to the previous screen without sending the email.