Alerts & Notifications


Alerts in HirePOS are a useful tool to notify Administrator users of important changes that need to be made to locked invoices or sales records. This feature allows for efficient communication and action within the system. Admin users can view alert messages at the top of the Reminders List screen. Alerts can be dismissed via the Dismiss button on the Alert banner. This document provides a step-by-step guide on how to add, edit, and reactivate alerts in HirePOS.

Add a New Alert

To add a new alert, follow these steps:

  1. From the main screen, click the Sales/Hire button, or choose Sales/Hire > Customer Overview from the main menu strip at the top.

  2. Search for and select an existing customer.

  3. On an existing sales record, click the eye icon to show the preview popup.

  4. In the preview popup, click the Alert button displayed towards the bottom.

  5. A New Alert section will appear in the popup where an alert/notification message can be entered.

  6. Click the Save Alert button. The alert will be saved, and the popup will close.

For administrator users, the alert message will appear above the reminders list on the main screen. These alerts can be dismissed via the Dismiss button located on the far right of the Alert banner.

Edit or Reactivate an Alert

To edit or reactivate an alert, follow these steps:

  1. From the main screen, click the Sales/Hire button, or choose Sales/Hire > Customer Overview from the main menu strip at the top.

  2. Search for and select an existing customer.

  3. Click the CRM tab.

  4. Any existing alerts are displayed, with an alarm bell icon.

  5. Click on the alert you want to view and edit.

  6. If you wish to reactivate a dismissed alert, uncheck the Dismissed checkbox.

By following these steps, you can effectively manage alerts in HirePOS, ensuring that important notifications are communicated and acted upon promptly.