Attaching/Linking a File in All Emails.


To streamline your email communications in HirePOS, consider storing frequently used PDF files, such as company flyers or terms and conditions, in a publicly accessible online location. This lets you easily include links in your email templates instead of attaching files each time.

Steps to Add Links to Email Templates

  1. Upload Your Files:

    • Upload your PDF files to a subfolder on your website or a public cloud storage service. (like Onedrive, Dropbox Google Drive or similar)

    • Ensure the files are accessible via a direct and public link (e.g.,

  2. Access Email Templates in HirePOS:

    • Navigate to Setup > Preferences > Email Templates & Settings.

  3. Insert Links:

    • In the email template editor, paste the URL of the uploaded document where you want the link to appear.

    • Format the link as desired (e.g., hyperlink text).

By using this method, you can efficiently share important documents without the need for repeated attachments, enhancing your communication process in HirePOS.