Send SMS


Send an SMS to a customer from HirePOS (not related to a Sale or Hire)

  1. Navigate to CRM > Send SMS

  2. Select the Recipient (if desired)

  3. Enter the mobile number to send the message to (if not already populated)

  4. Select the SMS template to use, or enter the message by hand

  5. Click Send SMS

Sending Sales Records (Invoice, Booking etc) via SMS

Follow these steps to send an SMS from the HirePOS Invoice screen:

  1. Open the desired sales record, such as an invoice, in HirePOS.

  2. Click the dropdown menu next to the Email button.

  3. Select the SMS option from the dropdown menu.

  4. Verify that the mobile number displayed is correct.

  5. Choose the appropriate SMS template for the message.

    1. This template MUST have the "Invoice Link" placeholder on it. This generates the link for the customer to click to view their document

  6. Click the "Send SMS" button to dispatch the message.

Recording SMS mobile numbers for Customers.

When creating a new customer in HirePOS via Sales/Hire > Customer Overview, the mobile number entered in the Mobile field is automatically set up for SMS communication. However, you can also designate Phone 1 or Phone 2 for SMS by enabling the "Use for SMS" checkbox in Setup > Customers > Edit Customer.