Bills and Expenses


Enabling the Accounting/Bookkeeping module in HirePOS allows users to access the Expenses menu, which offers additional functionalities beyond the standard Orders menu.

Enabling the Bills/Expenses Menu

To enable the Bills/Expenses menu, follow these steps:

  1. Navigate to Setup.

  2. Select Preferences.

  3. Click on Modules to activate the Accounting/Bookkeeping module.

Once the Accounting/Bookkeeping module is activated, the menu will automatically change from Orders to Expenses, providing you with enhanced options for managing your financial transactions.

Bills and Expenses

Entering a New Bill or Expense

To enter a new bill or expense, follow these steps:

  • From the main menu, go to Expenses > New Bill or Expenses > New Expense.

  • Choose the Expense Type as either Pending Expense or Expense Paid.

  • Select the supplier for the expense. You can create a new supplier on the fly if needed.

  • Enter the Payment Date and Date Received for the expense.

  • Ensure to enter the correct Tax Code. Use 'Manual Tax Entry' for special cases.

  • Select a single Expenditure Account or split the expense across multiple accounts.

  • Link the expense to an existing Purchase Order if applicable.

  • Add a Reference Number and a Memo for the expense.

  • Click 'Save New' to save the completed expense.

Linking an Expense to an Item

You can link expenses to items in Hirepos to track related expenses. Follow these steps:

  • In the Expense screen, expand the Purchase Order / Item section.

  • Select an Item from the dropdown list.

  • Save the new expense with all the required information.

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