Online Store Item Category URL


In order to seamlessly display the HirePOS Online Store on your website's individual Item Category pages, you must follow the steps outlined below. It is important to note that copying the URL links directly from your HirePOS Online Store is not recommended as they contain unique session keys specific to your browsing session.

Accessing Online Store Setup

To begin, navigate to the main menu strip at the top of the screen and select Sales/Hire > Online Store. Alternatively, you can click on the Online Store card on the Home screen.

Setting Up Store Items

Once in the Online Store Bookings/Orders screen, locate and click on the "Setup Store Items" button. Please be aware that this button is only visible to HirePOS Admin users.

Managing Item Categories

Proceed by clicking on the "Item Categories" tab to view the list of categories along with their respective URLs.

Copying Category URLs

For each category that you wish to feature on your website, click on the "Copy" button next to the Category URL. This will allow you to seamlessly integrate the selected categories into your website's Item Category pages.

By following these steps, you can effectively integrate the HirePOS Online Store with your website, providing a cohesive shopping experience for your customers.