Twilio SMS


This document provides a step-by-step guide on how to set up Twilio for SMS in HirePOS.

Getting Started

To begin, visit the Twilio website at and sign up for an account. After completing the email verification and activating your Twilio account, log in to the Twilio console at

Getting a Twilio Phone Number

Once logged in, you will be prompted with "Step 1: Get a Twilio phone number." Click on "Get phone number" to acquire a phone number to be used as a "Sender Id."

Sender Phone Number

Due to recent changes in Australian government regulations, you cannot directly enter the "Sender Id" into the HirePOS SMS setup. Please forward the generated phone number to to request the phone number to be added as an SMS "Sender Id" to your account.

SMS Settings

After receiving the sender's phone number, you can proceed to send a test SMS. If the test SMS is successful, follow these steps to add the Twilio account settings to the HirePOS preference settings:

  • Go to Setup > Preferences > SMS Settings.

  • Select Twilio as the Service Provider.

  • Copy the Account SID value from the Twilio console to the SID field in HirePOS.

  • Copy the Auth Token value from the Twilio console to the Auth Token field in HirePOS.

  • Leave the Messaging Service ID field blank.

This field is an advanced feature for bundling messaging features.

Email a request to and include your sender's phone number for logging it against your account.

Sending SMS in HirePOS

HirePOS integrates with online text messaging providers to offer a quick and efficient communication tool for sending SMS to customers, contacts, staff, and suppliers.

When creating a new customer via Sales/Hire > Customer Overview, the phone number in the Mobile field will be used for SMS by default. You can also select the "Use for SMS" checkbox next to Phone 1 or Phone 2 via Setup > Customers > Edit Customer.

Sending Sales Record via SMS

Set up the SMS Template by ensuring your SMS service is configured via Setup > Preferences > SMS Settings. Create an SMS template via Setup > Preferences > SMS Templates.

In the SMS Template screen, click the Placeholders dropdown next to the SMS Message field. Select the Invoice Link placeholder option to insert {InvoiceLink}. Customize the text message as needed and save the template.

To send the SMS from the Invoice screen, open an Invoice, click the dropdown next to the Email button, select the SMS option, verify the mobile number, choose the relevant SMS Template, and click Send SMS.

By following these steps, you can effectively set up Twilio for SMS in HirePOS and streamline your communication processes.