MoneyWorks Export


MoneyWorks Module Activation Guide

This guide provides step-by-step instructions on how to activate the MoneyWorks module in your HirePOS system. By following these steps, you will be able to seamlessly integrate MoneyWorks with HirePOS for efficient accounting processes.

Activation Steps

To activate the MoneyWorks module, follow these steps:

  1. From the Main Menu strip at the top, go to Setup > Preferences > Accounting Integration & Other API's.

  2. Click the Accounting Integration menu option.

  3. In Preferences (Accounting Integration), change the option to MoneyWorks.

  4. Copy and paste your unique URL provided by MoneyWorks into the MoneyWorks URL field.

  5. Click Save Changes.

Setup Requirements

Before proceeding with the activation, ensure the following setup requirements are met:


When creating an invoice, the following fields are required:

  • Customer: Customer Code in HirePOS must match the Code in MoneyWorks. To find the Customer Code in MoneyWorks, navigate to Customers and Suppliers from the left panel, choose All Customers, and note the Code column.

  • Invoice Date

  • Invoice Due Date: Calculated based on priority order.

  • Customer PO (Optional)

  • Reference (Optional)

  • Message (Optional)

Invoice Line Items

For each invoice line item, the following details are required:

  • Item: Account Code must be entered against the relevant Item Type or Item Category.

  • Invoice Line Description

  • Quantity

  • Sell Inc

  • Tax Code: Must match the Tax Code in MoneyWorks.

Exporting Invoices

To export invoices to MoneyWorks, follow these steps:

  1. From the main screen in HirePOS or Sales/Hire menu, click the MoneyWorks option.

  2. The MoneyWorks Export module will open in a new browser.

  3. Select the relevant date range.

  4. Choose to select all invoices or individually select invoices.

  5. Click the MoneyWorks Transfer button to export the invoices.

  6. Upon successful export, lines will show a green background and a tick icon in the Exported column. Errors will be displayed in red.

  7. After exporting, log out of the MoneyWorks exporter by clicking the User icon at the top right.


Be cautious as MoneyWorks allows the same invoice number to be exported multiple times. Ensure to mark invoices as 'Pending' to allow re-exporting if needed.

By following these instructions, you can effectively activate the MoneyWorks module in HirePOS and streamline your accounting integration process.