Auto-increment Customer Code


In the hirepos system, setting the Code field to default for new customers is a recommended practice when exporting to third-party accounting systems. The Code field serves as a unique identifier for each customer. It is advisable to utilize an auto-incrementing numeric value for the Code field instead of an alphanumeric one. This approach helps in avoiding any potential confusion or overlap, especially in cases where multiple customers share the same name, such as John Smith.

Considerations Before Enabling Auto-Incrementing Customer Codes

Prior to activating auto-incrementing customer codes, it is essential to assess whether your existing customer list needs to be pre-filled with codes if they are currently blank. If this is required, you can submit a Custom Request through the following link: Customising Request Form.

Steps to Enable Auto-Incrementing Customer Codes

It is crucial to follow these steps in the correct sequence to ensure a smooth transition:

  1. Go to Setup > Preferences > Miscellaneous in the hirepos system.

  2. In the Basics section at the top, locate the toggle for Auto-increment Customer Code and switch it on.

  3. If your starting point for customer codes is a number with less than six digits, it is advisable to consider using Leading 0's. This is particularly relevant if you intend to export data to MYOB Accounting, which typically requires Leading 0's by default.

  4. Finally, click on the Save Changes button positioned towards the bottom right of the screen to apply the settings.

It is important to note that enabling the Auto-increment Customer Code setting will cause new customer codes to increment from the highest existing Customer Code number onwards. Therefore, ensure that your existing Customer Codes are pre-populated before activating this feature to avoid any disruptions in the numbering sequence.

By following these guidelines and best practices, you can effectively manage customer codes in hirepos and streamline the process of exporting data to third-party accounting systems.