

This document provides an overview of the miscellaneous settings available in the Preferences menu. These settings cover a range of options that don't fall under specific categories but are essential for customizing your experience within the system.

Miscellaneous Settings (Overview)

To access the Miscellaneous Settings section, navigate to Setup > Preferences > Misc.

Default Prices As

This setting determines whether prices in new invoices and purchase orders default to Tax Inclusive or Tax Exclusive in the line amounts.

Auto-increment Customer Code

Automatically increments numeric customer codes to the next number when adding new customers. While customer codes are not mandatory, they are recommended for exporting to third-party accounting systems.

Digits (Leading 0's)

When used with the "Auto-increment Customer Code" setting, this feature automatically assigns a code to new customers with the specified number of leading 0’s.

Default New Customers to Cash Customers

Enabling this option defaults all new customers to zero Credit Limit (Cash) instead of Account.

Cash Sale Customer

Allows selection of a generic "Cash Sale" customer for over-the-counter sales that do not involve "hire" items. These sales are cash transactions and do not require detailed customer information. Refer to the Cash Sale help document for more information.

Show 'Change' Prompt After Receiving Cash Payments

Displays a prompt to enter cash received and automatically calculates the change to be given.

Deposit Due Days

Sets the default number of days from the Invoice Date for which deposits are due. Refer to the Deposit Due Date help document for detailed instructions.

Delivery/Pickup Terminology

Sets the default terminology for delivery and pickup, which is reflected on-screen and in the delivery and pickup dockets.

Delivery/Pickup Via:

Specifies the Supplier to be assigned as the delivery/pickup driver for new bookings/invoices.

Auto-Create Maintenance Inspections

This feature automatically creates a maintenance post-inspection checklist when hire items are returned. Follow these steps to activate the feature:

  1. Navigate to Setup > Preferences > Misc.

  2. Scroll down to the Maintenance Inspection Checklists section.

  3. Check the Auto-create Post Inspection on Item Return checkbox.

  4. Click Save Changes.

Post-inspection checklists are generated for items with a default Post Inspection Checklist template assigned to them.

Assign Item Post Inspection Template

To assign a default post-inspection template to a hire item:

  1. Go to Setup > Items.

  2. Select an item and edit its details.

  3. Choose a template from the Post Inspection Checklist dropdown.

  4. Save Changes.

When the item is returned, the post-inspection checklist is automatically created.

Disable Availability Checks

If availability checks for inspections are not necessary, you can disable them by:

  1. Accessing Setup > Preferences > Miscellaneous.

  2. Scrolling down to the Other section.

  3. Checking the Disable Maintenance Inspection Availability Checks setting.

  4. Saving Changes.

Delivery/Pickup Via

In the Delivery/Pickup section of Setup > Preferences > Miscellaneous, the Delivery Pickup Via setting allows you to specify the default driver for all new bookings/invoices.

Defaulting to 'UNASSIGNED' Driver

HirePOS assumes the pickup driver is the same as the delivery driver by default. To assign a different driver:

  1. Create a new supplier named '_UNASSIGNED_' or similar.

  2. Set the Delivery/Pickup Via to the new supplier in Setup > Preferences > Miscellaneous.

Going forward, all new deliveries and pickups will be assigned to 'UNASSIGNED' for easy tracking and reassignment.

By utilizing these miscellaneous settings effectively, you can tailor your HirePOS experience to better suit your business needs.