Bulk StandDowns


This document provides a comprehensive guide on how to utilize the Bulk StandDown function in HirePOS to efficiently manage StandDown periods for equipment rentals.

Bulk StandDown Function Overview

HirePOS offers a StandDown function that allows users to record periods when equipment cannot be used, such as public holidays, RDOs, or inclement weather. When the Autocalc function is triggered, this StandDown period is subtracted from the overall hire period.

Accessing Bulk StandDowns

To access the Bulk StandDowns feature, users must have administrator privileges. Navigate to Setup > Preferences > Bulk StandDowns to access the Bulk StandDowns screen.

Bulk StandDowns Screen

The Bulk StandDowns screen displays On Hire invoices and allows users to apply StandDowns to multiple invoices simultaneously. Users can apply filters to narrow down the selection of invoices they wish to affect.

  • Customer Category

  • Include / Exclude "Cash" Customers (Credit Limit = 0)

  • Include / Exclude "Zero Invoices" (Invoices with a Total of $0 or less)

Additionally, an "eye" preview button is available for each invoice to assist in decision-making for bulk actions. Invoices eligible for Bulk StandDowns will appear in white, while ineligible ones will appear in orange, often due to being overdue.

Applying a Bulk StandDown

It is crucial to note that a Bulk StandDown action cannot be reversed, and any unintended modifications must be corrected manually on an invoice-by-invoice basis. Exercise caution when using this feature.

To apply a bulk StandDown:

  1. Enter a Stand Down Reason

  2. Enter the Start Date (beginning of the "no charge" period)

  3. Enter the Finish Date (end of the "no charge" period)

  4. Alternatively, enter the Start Date and use the Time Span to calculate the Finish Date

  5. Select the Invoices to be modified using checkboxes and filters

  6. Review settings

  7. Press "StandDown Invoices"

Common Issues and Checking Results

If an invoice appears orange or the StandDown action fails, common reasons include the invoice being overdue or the finish date set for StandDowns being later than the "booked to" date on the invoice. In such cases, a red "X" will be displayed.

After applying StandDowns, a tick will indicate successfully modified invoices. Users can click on an invoice, navigate to Options > Stand Downs (above the invoice line items) to verify the Stand Down record creation.

By following these steps and guidelines, users can effectively utilize the Bulk StandDown function in HirePOS to manage StandDown periods for equipment rentals efficiently.