

This document provides guidelines on how to manage holiday periods and bookings effectively within the hirepos system.

Notification of Holiday Periods

Holiday periods can impact staff availability and booking schedules. To ensure smooth operations, the system notifies users in the following ways:

  • A colored heading on the holiday dates displayed on the Availability screen and drill-down popup.

  • A colored heading on the holiday dates shown on the Calendar screen.

  • Warning prompts on the Sales Record screen (Quote/Booking/Invoice) when booked dates clash with holiday dates.

It's important to note that the holiday check is performed at the invoice level of booking/hire dates, not at the item level.

Adding a Holiday

To add a holiday to the system, follow these steps:

  1. Navigate to Setup > Preferences > Holidays.

  2. Enter a Description for the holiday on a new row (e.g., Australia Day).

  3. Specify the Date From and Date To for the holiday period (e.g., 26/01/2021 for both dates in this case).

  4. All fields are required.

  5. Click "Save Changes" when all details are entered.

Color Coding Holidays

The system allows customization of the color used to represent holidays on the Availability and Calendar screens. To adjust the color for holidays, follow these steps:

  1. Navigate to Setup > Preferences > Theme.

  2. Modify the color for Holidays.

  3. Remember to press "Save" after making changes.

By following these guidelines, you can effectively manage holiday periods and bookings within the hirepos system, ensuring smooth operations and accurate scheduling.