Hire & Invoice Date Defaults


In the HirePOS system, you can customize various date and time settings to streamline your booking and invoicing processes. This guide will walk you through the configuration options available under Setup > Preferences > Hire & Invoice Date Defaults.

Side By Side Date/Time Picker

By default, times are selected via the 'time' icon at the top of the calendar popup. Enabling this setting will display the time picker side by side with the date picker for easier selection.

Use 24 Hr Time

Switching to 24-hour time format will display date/times in a 24-hour format instead of the default 12-hour AM/PM format.

Default Time From

The "default time" fields automatically set booking times on new sales. These defaults can be overridden in the sales screen if needed. Set the default 'Time' for the 'Booked From' field for new bookings, with the 'Date' defaulting to the current date.

Default Time To

Similarly, set the default 'Time' for the 'Booked To' field for new bookings, with the 'Date' defaulting to the current date.

Set 'Invoice Date' to Current Date

For bookings created well in advance, automatically switch the Invoice Date to the current date once the hire starts to keep revenue figures in the current month.

Default 'Booked To' as TBA

If your bookings often have an unknown 'Booked To' (Return Date), selecting this option will save you from manually choosing TBA on the Booking/Invoice each time.

Autocalc Delivery/Pickup Dates from Lag Time

Utilize Lag Time to create a buffer between hire start and end dates for delivery/pickup, cleaning, or preparation. Enable this option to automatically calculate Delivery/Pickup dates based on the lag time.

Default Lag Time Hours Before/After

You can set the default number of hours for the Lag Time for all jobs, streamlining the scheduling process.

Copy 'Booked To' to 'Hired To' for Off Hires

Normally, 'Booked To' is copied to 'Hired To' when jobs are completed in the Delivery/Pickup Schedule. Enable this option to ensure the Booked To date is copied to the Hired To date for Off Hires as well.

Set 'Invoice Date' to

This section allows you to configure automatic date settings on your invoices. Each checkbox will set the Invoice Date to the Booking or Hire dates as needed.

For more detailed instructions on configuring these settings, refer to the HirePOS user manual.