Placeholder Settings


This document provides detailed instructions on customizing email placeholders in the hirepos system. Email placeholders allow you to personalize and tailor your email communications to better suit your business needs.

Accessing Placeholder Settings

To access the placeholder settings, follow these steps:

  1. From the main menu strip at the top, go to Setup > Preferences > Email Templates & Settings.

  2. Click the Placeholder Settings button towards the bottom.

{Type} Placeholder Settings

These settings enable you to modify the terminology for the {Type} email placeholder for both the email message (and subject) and the PDF Attachment filename. You can customize terms for various types such as changing "On Hire" Invoices to Contracts or Hire Agreements.

{ViewButton} Placeholder Settings

This setting allows you to display the 'Pay Now' button for Invoice mode only. The 'Pay Now' button will be visible for Invoices when customers click the View button in an email.

{QuoteAcceptanceLink} Placeholder Settings

With this setting, you can change the button terminology to 'Accept Quote' or 'View Quotation'. Additionally, you can define the report template to be used for Quotes and Reservations.

Accepting Quotes via Email

Customers can accept quotes using the {QuoteAcceptanceLink} placeholder in an email template. Ensure you have added this placeholder via the Insert placeholders button in your email template for Quote acceptance.

Customizing the {QuoteAcceptanceLink} Placeholder Settings

If you wish to change the text displayed on the {QuoteAcceptanceLink} button or have multiple custom templates, you can define these settings in Setup > Preferences > Email Templates & Settings > Placeholder Settings.

Setting Default Payment Settings

Optionally, you can go to Setup > Preferences > Default Payment Settings and enable the Convert Quote to Booking on Payment option. This feature automatically converts a Quote into a Booking when payment is received.

Terms and Conditions

Terms & Conditions are crucial for contracts. You can set up and customize your Terms & Conditions in Setup > Preferences > Terms & Conditions. Ensure to test the layout by previewing an invoice.

Providing Terms & Conditions to Customers

There are common options for providing Terms & Conditions to customers, such as displaying them on the reverse of every contract or pre-printing them on the reverse of the contract. You can also provide a URL link for customers to download a PDF copy of the T&C's.

Attaching Files to Emails

Instead of attaching the same PDF file to every email, it is recommended to upload the file to a subfolder on your website and insert the website link into your email template in Setup > Preferences > Email Templates & Settings.

For further information on adding file URL links to email templates, refer to the hirepos documentation.