

Welcome to the LastWebsiteOrder endpoint documentation. This endpoint provides developers with the ability to retrieve a list of the last items a customer submitted through the online store, whether it was through the built-in store, API, or Zapier integration.

Request Parameters

When making a request to the LastWebsiteOrder endpoint, the email parameter is mandatory. Additionally, there should be previous bookings associated with the same email address for the endpoint to return relevant data.

Endpoint Usage

To utilize the LastWebsiteOrder endpoint effectively, developers need to ensure that the email parameter is correctly included in the request. This parameter serves as a unique identifier to retrieve the customer's last submitted items.

Response Data

Upon a successful request to the LastWebsiteOrder endpoint, developers can expect to receive a list of the last items that the customer submitted through the online store. This data can be valuable for tracking customer activity and preferences.


GET https://api.hirepos.com/LastWebsiteOrder



// Example Response...

    "LastWebsiteOrderNumber": "100",
    "Email": "test@test.com.au",
    "LastItemsOrdered": [
            "Code": "AAA",
            "Quantity": "4"
            "Code": "BBB",
            "Quantity": "6"


In conclusion, the LastWebsiteOrder endpoint is a powerful tool for developers looking to retrieve information about the last items customers have submitted through the online store. By providing the required email parameter and ensuring previous bookings are associated with the same address, developers can make the most of this endpoint.