MYOB Tracking Categories (Jobs)


In MYOB Business, the Jobs feature allows for a secondary categorization of Income & Expenses, complementing the Chart Of Accounts. This guide will walk you through setting up Tracking Categories in HirePOS to align with MYOB Business Jobs.

Set up Tracking Categories

To begin, you can establish tracking categories in HirePOS against Items or Branches. When tracking is configured for an item, it takes precedence over Branch tracking.

  1. Go to Setup > Preferences > Accounting Integration & Other API's.

  2. Click on the Accounting Integration option.

  3. Ensure that MYOB Business (AccountRight/Essentials) is selected.

  4. Click on the MYOB Tracking Categories (Jobs) link.

  5. Add new tracking categories to match Jobs in MYOB, ensuring that the Job number and Job name correspond to those in MYOB.

Assign Tracking to Items

Next, you will assign tracking to Items in HirePOS:

  1. Go to Setup > Items.

  2. Choose an item to edit.

  3. Click the +/- icon next to the Category field label.

  4. Select an option from the MYOB Tracking Category dropdown.

Assign Tracking to Branches

Lastly, you will assign tracking to Branches in HirePOS:

  1. Go to Setup > Branches.

  2. Select a branch to edit.

  3. Choose an option from the MYOB Tracking Category dropdown.

By following these steps, you can seamlessly integrate MYOB Business Jobs with HirePOS, ensuring accurate tracking and reporting in your accounting processes.