Sales Representatives


This document provides instructions on how to assign staff members as Sales Representatives to customers in the system. This feature is beneficial for tracking customer sales on a sales rep basis, especially for commission reporting purposes.

Assigning a Sales Rep to a Customer

To assign a sales rep (staff member) to a customer, follow these steps:

  1. Go to Setup > Customers.

  2. Click on the customer you want to edit.

  3. Click the Account / Payment Terms sub-heading to expand it.

  4. Select a staff member from the Sales Representative dropdown menu.


After assigning sales reps to customers, you can generate various reports related to sales reps under Reports > Sales. Some of the available reports include:

  • Sales by Sales Representative

  • Sales by Sales Representative (Customer Ranking)

  • Sales by Sales Representative (Summary)

These reports provide valuable insights into sales performance based on the assigned Sales Representatives.