Staff PIN


In a "Front Counter" Point Of Sale scenario, the Staff PIN feature in HirePOS is a valuable tool for streamlining staff selection and enhancing security. This feature allows for easy staff identification and prevents errors in staff record selection during sales transactions. This document provides a comprehensive guide on setting up and utilizing the Staff PIN feature in HirePOS.

Set up Staff PINS

To enable the Staff PIN feature, follow these steps:

  1. Access the Staff setup by navigating to Setup > Staff.

  2. Select an existing Staff member to edit.

  3. Assign a unique PIN number to the Staff member in the designated field.

  4. Save the changes to apply the PIN.

Require Staff PIN

Once all Staff members have their unique PINs set up, activate the Staff PIN feature by:

  1. Visit Setup > Preferences.

  2. Click on the Restrictions menu and expand the Other Fields Required section.

  3. Enable the Staff PIN Required setting.

  4. Save the changes to enforce PIN entry during sales record creation.

User Accounts (Overview)

All user accounts in HirePOS are linked to unique email addresses. Admin users can manage roles, permissions, email templates, and user history. To invite new users:

  1. Go to Setup > Preferences > Users.

  2. Enter the user's email address in the Invite User box and send the invitation.

  3. Upon registration, set roles, permissions, and confirm user access.

User Permissions and Roles

User permissions and roles provide control over user access levels. To customize permissions:

  1. Access Setup > Preferences > Users.

  2. Edit a user to adjust permissions and roles as needed.

Linking Staff & Users

Linking Staff and Users ensures seamless record creation. Match Staff and User email addresses for automatic selection. To link Staff and Users:

  1. Navigate to Setup > Staff to add new Staff members.

  2. Fill in relevant details and save the new Staff member.

Driver/Vehicle Allocations

Assigning drivers and vehicles to jobs in HirePOS enhances organization. To allocate drivers and vehicles:

  1. Edit or create a supplier for drivers via Setup > Suppliers.

  2. Access Sales/Hire > Delivery/Pickup Schedule to allocate drivers or vehicles to jobs.

User Specific Email Templates

Custom email templates can be assigned to individual users for personalized communication. To assign email templates:

  1. Visit Setup > Preferences > Users.

  2. Select a user and assign an email template from the dropdown menu.

By following these guidelines, you can effectively set up and utilize the Staff PIN feature, manage user accounts, assign permissions, and streamline operations in HirePOS.