Linking Items to a Branch


In a rental management system, accurately assigning items to branches is essential for maintaining availability and effectively tracking inventory. This guide provides a comprehensive overview of the process for assigning both Singular and Bulk items to branches within the system.

Assigning Singular Items

To assign a Singular item to a branch, follow these steps:

  1. Access the item through Setup > Items screen.

  2. Select the branch from the Branch dropdown menu.

  3. Save the changes.

Assigning Bulk Items

For Bulk items, the process is slightly different. Follow these steps:

  1. Access the item through Setup > Items screen.

  2. Next to the Quantity For Hire field, click the Branch Quantities / Serial tracking button.

  3. Depending on whether the item is serialized or not, the process may vary.

Bulk Items with Serial Numbers

If the item requires serial numbers, follow these steps:

  1. For each branch, specify the quantity of the item.

Bulk Items without Serial Numbers

If serial numbers are not needed, follow these steps:

  1. For each branch, specify the quantity of the item.

Serial Tracking

Serial Tracking is an optional feature that allows for detailed tracking of Bulk items with a Quantity For Hire greater than 1. This feature enables individual tracking of items within a bulk order.

Adding Serial Numbers to a Bulk Item

To add serial numbers to a Bulk item, follow these steps:

  1. Access the item through Setup > Items.

  2. Click on the item to edit.

  3. In the Basics section, click the Serial Tracking button next to the Quantity For Hire field.

  4. Enter serial numbers for each item.

  5. Ensure the total serial numbers match the Quantity For Hire.

  6. Save the changes.

Utilizing Serial Numbers in Sales Records

Serial numbers play a crucial role in various sales processes:

Scanning into an Invoice/Booking

  1. Add the serial item to the Booking/Invoice.

  2. Enter the quantity of items.

  3. Select Serial Tracking from the Options dropdown.

  4. Scan the serial numbers manually or using a barcode scanner.

Scanning out via the Dispatch Screen

  1. Add Bulk items to an invoice.

  2. Go to Sales > Dispatch and select the pending Booking or Invoice.

  3. Select the required serial numbers for dispatch.

Scanning in Items via the Returns Screen

  1. Access Sales > Returns and click the Serial Tracking button.

  2. Select and return serial numbers.

Scanning Items into Maintenance Records

  1. Select a bulk item on a maintenance record.

  2. Specify the Quantity Serviced and select serial numbers.

Deleting Serial Tracking Numbers

If you need to remove serial tracking numbers, follow these steps:

  1. Access the item through Setup > Items.

  2. Click on the item to edit.

  3. Clear or replace the serial numbers as needed.

  4. Adjust the Quantity For Hire accordingly.

  5. Save the changes.

By following these steps, you can effectively manage branch assignments for both Singular and Bulk items in your rental management system.