Damage Waiver Items (% calculation)


Setting Up a Damage Waiver in HirePOS

In the rental industry, offering a Damage Waiver helps protect equipment and streamline compensation. This guide outlines how to configure a Damage Waiver in HirePOS for automation and accurate calculations.

Damage Waiver Overview

  1. A non-stock item (e.g., "Damage Waiver") represents the charge.

  2. Its value is calculated as a percentage of all Hire Items on the same invoice.

  3. The item is auto-added to every new sales record.

  4. Assign it in Setup > Preferences > Sales > Damage Waiver (Auto Add).

  5. Customers marked Damage Waiver Exempt won't have the charge applied (Setup > Customers > Insurance > Damage Waiver Exempt).

Setting Up a Damage Waiver Item

  1. Go to Setup > Items and click + New Item.

  2. Enter a description (e.g., "Damage Waiver") and code (e.g., "DW").

  3. Set the Item Type to non-hire (e.g., Misc).

  4. Check Non Stock in the Configuration section.

  5. In the Rates/Prices tab:

    • Select "Each" in the Unit column.

    • Set Sell Ex and Sell Inc to 0.00.

  6. Click Save New to save.

Setting the Percentage Calculation

  1. In the Rates/Prices tab, click the :: popup menu next to "Each unit."

  2. Select Percentage Calculation.

  3. Enter the Charge % (e.g., 12%) and select parameters:

    • Basis: % of All Hire Items.

    • Consistency: Choose Inc GST or Ex GST for both calculation fields.

  4. Click Save Changes.

Let HirePOS know which item is your Damage Waiver Item

  1. Go to Setup > Preferences > Sales.

  2. Set the new item you have just created as your "Damage Waiver (Auto-Add)" Item

  3. Save

Setting the DW Item as Auto-Add

  1. In the Rates/Prices tab, scroll to the Auto Add section.

  2. Select Auto Add Item (As Last Item).

  3. Click Save Changes.

The Damage Waiver will now auto-add to new sales records.

EOM Rollover Options

  1. Fixed Charge: Apply the Damage Waiver to the first invoice based on the initial hire period.

  2. Variable Charge: Apply and recalculate the Damage Waiver for each invoice as amounts adjust.

Exempting Customers from Damage Waiver

  1. Navigate to Setup > Customers and edit the customer.

  2. In the Discounts tab, check No Damage Waiver.

  3. Save changes.

Exempting Items from Damage Waiver

1. Previous Line Method

  • Add the Damage Waiver as a companion item to specific hire items.

  • Configure it to calculate based only on the item above it.

  • Note: Not compatible with online store orders.


  1. Edit the hire item in Setup > Items.

  2. Go to the Companions tab and add the Damage Waiver item.

  3. Check Required and save.

  4. Use % of Previous Line Item when setting the Damage Waiver.

2. Misc Item Method

  • Use a standard All Hire Items Damage Waiver.

  • Replace the hire item's charge with a Misc/Non-stock item to avoid additional waiver charges.

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